2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1992 | 1990

Title: Effects of subarachnoid naloxone, methysergide and phentolamine, on the modulation of pain by modified formalin test in rats
Student: Oscar César Pires
Advisor:  Irimar de Paula Posso
Date of defense: 12/07/2010
Current position: Assistant Professor at Universidade de Taubaté. Head of Medical Residency Program in Anesthesiology at Hospital Municipal de São José dos Campos and Director of the Scientific Department of Brazilian Society of Anesthesiology. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.

Title: Development and validation of an algorithm for continuous and intermittent measurement of blood pressure changes in a multiparameter monitor: pilot study in high-risk surgical patients
Student: Marcel Rezende Lopes
Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior
Date of defense: 12/01/2009
Current position: Coordinator of Medical Residency Program in Intensive Care Medicine of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Passos. Professor at Research Center of Unifenas’ School of Medicine. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.

Title: Evaluation of tissue perfusion markers as postoperative morbidity and mortality predictors in patients with left ventricular dysfunction undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting
Student: Thiana Yamaguti
Advisor: Marilde Albuquerque Piccioni
Date of defense: 11/30/2009
Current position: Anesthesiologist at Heart Institute of FMUSP, where she participates in Medical Residency Program. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.

Title: Continuous analysis of volumetric pulmonary artery catheter measurements, transesophageal ultrasound, changes in blood pressure and hypoperfusion tissue markers in hemorrhagic shock in pigs
Student: Marcos Antonio de Oliveira
Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior
Date of defense: 11/25/2009
Current position: Neurosurgeon and coordinator of the 5th year of Medicine undergraduate course and of the Residency in Internal Medicine at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Passos.

Title: Immediate hemodynamic and metabolic effects of infusion of hydroxyethylamide solution (450/0.7) in a canine model of brain death
Student: Fábio Augusto de Luca
Advisor: Ruy Jorge Cruz Junior
Date of defense: 09/22/2009
Current position: Lecturer in Cardiology at Universidade de Santo Amaro (Unisa). Healthcare and teaching activities.

Title: Evaluation of the inflammatory response during acute normovolemic hemodilution
Student: Marcia Aparecida Portela Kahvegian
Advisor: Denise Tabacchi Fantoni
Date of defense: 09/18/2009
Current position: Lecturer of the discipline of Surgical Technique and Anesthesiology in Veterinary Medicine course at Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, also working in Provet (diagnostics in veterinary medicine).

Title: Effects of fluid resuscitation with 3% hypertonic saline in the inflammatory response and organ injury after hemorrhagic shock
Student: Rodrigo Vincenzi
Advisor: Ruy Jorge Cruz Junior
Date of defense: 09/17/2009
Current position: Transplant surgeon at Hospital Sírio-Libanês and Hospital A. C. Camargo.

Title: Comparative study of the use of tramadol, codeine and ketoprofen in postoperative pain and levels of glucose, cortisol and interleukin-6 in dogs subjected to maxillectomy or mandibulectomy
Student: Teresinha Luiza Martins
Advisor: Denise Tabacchi Fantoni
Date of defense: 08/24/2009
Current position: Veterinary anesthesiologist in São Paulo. Healthcare activities in her undergraduate area.

Title: Assessment of cardiovascular responsiveness through variation in pulse with different fluids in an experimental model of acute hemodilution
Student: Alex Jader Sant’Ana
Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior
Date of defense: 06/30/2009
Current position: Lecturer in Veterinary Anesthesiology at Universidade Paulista (São José dos Campos campus). Director of Association of Veterinary Anesthesiology of the State of São Paulo. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.

Title: Tenoxicam controls pain without present preemptive effect or interference on the orthodontic movement of canine teeth
Student: Glacus Miranda Arantes
Advisor: Irimar de Paula Posso
Date of defense: 06/22/2009
Current position: Orthodontist surgeon at Mogidonto and other private clinics.

Title: Prospective randomized study comparing two volume expansion techniques in total hip replacement surgery: hydroxyethylamide (130 / 0.4) and Ringer’s lactate
Student: Adilson Hamaji
Advisor: José Otávio Costa Auler Junior
Date of defense: 06/15/2009
Current position: Supervisor of the Department of Anesthesia of Orthopedics Institute, Hospital das Clínicas, FMUSP, where he participates in Medical Residency Program. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.

Title: Subarachnoid morphine associated with general anesthesia in cardiac surgery: effects on respiratory function, analgesia, morphine consumption and its postoperative plasma levels
Student: Luciana Moraes dos Santos
Advisor: Maria José Carvalho Carmona
Date of defense: 03/23/2009
Current position: Clinical anesthesiologist in Ribeirão Preto. Healthcare activities in her undergraduate area.

Title: Assesment of bupivacaine dispersion in epidural anesthesia in dogs
Student: Cesar Dias Freire
Advisor: Marcelo Luis Abramides Torres
Date of defense: 03/13/2009
Current position: Veterinary anesthesiologist. Healthcare activities in his undergraduate area.