Physician at Rescue and Emergency Assistance Group (GRAU) in partnership with the Fire Department of the State of São Paulo. Visiting professor of the discipline of Operative Technique and Experimental Surgery at Universidade Federal de São Paulo, acting as lecturer for the 2nd and 3rd years in PH-Universitário Program. Medical officer of Emergency and Rescue Group (GSE) of the Fire Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, acting as a SAMU management member in this state, at its Learning and Research Center. ATLS and PHTLS instructor. Healthcare, teaching, and research activities.
Title: Mild cranioencephalic trauma: late evaluation of quality of life and neuropsychological changes
Advisor: Luiz Francisco Poli de Figueiredo
Date of defense: 06/27/2007
Lima DP, Simão Filho C, Abib S de C, Poli de Figueiredo LF. Quality of life and neuropsychological changes in mild head trauma. Late analysis and correlation with S100B protein and cranial CT scan performed at hospital admission. Injury 2008;39(5):604-11.
Westphal G, Garrido A del P, Almeida DP de, Rocha e Silva M, Poli de Figueiredo LF. Pulse pressure respiratory variation as an early marker of cardiac output fall in experimental hemorrhagic shock. Artificial Organs 2007;31(4):284-9.