- December 8, 2014 (Monday), Thesis Defense Claudia Marquez Simões, at 14hrs, at InCor the amphitheater, located at Av. Dr. Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44 – 2nd floor Bl. I – Cerqueira César, São Paulo-SP, with the subject: “risk factors for morbidity and mortality rating after abdominal surgery in cancer patients”.
- December 1, 2014 (Monday), Qualification Exam João Paulo Consentino Solano, at 14 pm, room 03 at InCor located on the 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject: “Adaptation and study of resilience scales validation for the Brazilian cultural context “
- December 1, 2014 (Monday), Thesis Defense André Luis Correa, at 14hrs, in the amphitheater of the FMUSP -Farmacologia, located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 -. 3rd floor, room 3104, Cerqueira César, São Paulo SP, with the subject “Effects of metoprolol in experimental septic shock”
- November 13, 2014 (Thursday), Thesis Defense Ismael Francisco Mota Siqueira Guarda, at 14hrs, in the amphitheater of the FMUSP -Farmacologia, located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 -. 3rd floor, room 3104, Cerqueira César- São Paulo-SP, with the subject: “Study of the effects of ethyl pyruvate, hypertonic saline and ringer lactate on the response of mesenteric microcirculation in sepsis model induced by escherichia coli in mice”
- October 23, 2014 (Thursday), Thesis Defense Claudia Carneiro de Araújo Palmeira, at 14hrs, in the amphitheater of the FMUSP -Farmacologia, located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 -. 3rd floor, room 3104, Cerqueira César- São Paulo-SP, with the subject: “Influence of age, sex and gonadal hormones in pain perception in a model of neuropathic pain in rats”
- September 8, 2014 (Monday), Thesis Defense Fabiola Prior Caltabeloti, at 14hrs at Incor amphitheater, 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject: “Respiratory and haemodynamic effects of the volume test in patients with shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome: an observational study using lung ultrasound”.
- September 9, 2014 (Tuesday), Thesis Defense Celio Gomes de Amorim, at 14 pm in the amphitheater of the FMUSP -F , located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 -. 3rd floor, room 3104, Cerqueira César- São Paulo-SP, whose subject “leukocyte filtration effects on the inflammatory response and pulmonary function in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization with cardiopulmonary bypass”
- August 5, 2014 (Tuesday), Qualification Exam Eduardo Atsushi Osawa, at 14 pm, amphitheater at InCor located on the 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject: “A randomized study to evaluate guided therapy goals in cardiac high-risk surgery”
- August 12, 2014 (Tuesday), Thesis Defense Alessandro Rodrigues Martins Carvalho, at 14 pm in the amphitheater of the USP-Pharmacology, located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 -. 3rd floor, room 3104, with the subject “Evaluation of lung hyperinflation in domestic cats submitted to controlled pressure ventilation analyzed using helical computed tomography”
- August 14, 2014 (Thursday), Thesis Defense Giorgio Pretto, at 14 pm in the amphitheater of the USP-Pharmacology, located at Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455 – 3rd floor, room 3104, with the subject ” evaluation of psychological effects, hemodynamic and quality of analgesia related to the combined use of clonidine, S + ketamine and midazolam while performing dressings or surgical debridement in major burn patients. randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled”.
- July 28, 2014 (Monday), José Oswaldo de Oliveira Junior Qualification Exam, at 14 pm, room 04 at InCor located on the 2nd floor, block I, with the subject “peripheral analgesic effect of tramadol”
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- June 9, 2014 (Monday), Qualification Exam João Manoel da Silva Junior, at 14 pm, room 04 at InCor located on the 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject: “Hyperchloremia effect in critically ill patients”
- April 23, 2014 (Wednesday), Satiko Shimada Franco Qualification Exam , at 14 pm, room 03 at InCor located on the 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject: “Analysis of the effectiveness of respiratory physiotherapy in post-operative mitral valve surgery “
- Monitoring Analysis Critical Hemodynamics of volume replacement solutions and Vasopressors Used in Cesarean. Responsible Professors: Fernando Bliacheriene, José Carlos Almeida Carvalho, Marcelo Luis Torres Abramides
Credits: 4
Period: 03/16/2014 to 04/12/2014
Weekdays: Monday and Thursday
Time: 14h00 to 18h00 Place: 8th floor – BSAP – Block II
- February 13, 2014 (Thursday), Qualification Exam Keila Kazue Ida, at 14 pm in the BSAP – Anesthesia Division, located on the 8th floor, Block III, with the subject: “Comparison of the effects of resuscitation with Ringer lactate, hypertonic saline and terlipressin on cerebral perfusion and oxygenation in an experimental model of hemorrhagic shock “
- February 26, 2014 (Wednesday), Thesis Defense Juliano Pinheiro de Almeida, at 14 pm in the amphitheater of the Instittuto do Coração, located on the 2nd Floor, Block I, with the subject “Liberal strategy of red blood cells transfusion versus restrictive strategy in patients undergoing cancer surgery: randomized controlled trial”.
- January 20, 2014 to February 02, 2014 Students pre-enrollment: students must apply for pre-enrollment in discipline(s) or accompanying enrollment.
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